So I have decided to use this crazy blog thing to outline my experiences with my new war-gaming hobby in the hopes that others may gain from my experiences. Yes there are all sorts of war-gaming blogs out there, in the interwebs. My blog is more for me than you, anyways. I will endeavor to discuss the hobby from a new guy point of view. What problems I encountered and what solutions I came up with (with a little help from my friends!).
Disclaimer: I only play 40k. This is not the whole of war-gaming. Just the part I choose to take part in. I know its dated and expensive. (Curses GW, WHY!!!!) I just really love the Space marines, and more so the Ultramarines. I will not regale you with the boring story of how this came to be. Just that it's a stated fact, from the onset.
Also, as I said before this is an expensive habit. I have hustled a goodly portion of my army through craigslist, eBay, friend deals. I am in no way saying not to buy from your FLGS (friendly local gaming store, for the unenlightened- yes I had to ask the first time I saw it). Only that this was a convenient method to get started, for me. I have, since my start in the hobby, made many purchases with my local store.(Much love to Gabi and Olympic Cards and Comics)
So with that said, and all claims of grandiose pompous knowledge of the amazing-ness of my skills thrown out the window, I will begin posting the tale of my beat downs!