My intent is to stick to fluff. I have no intention of playing win at all costs. That is what drove me away last time. I want to do big narrative battles. I want my 12 yr old to start playing with me. I want the Techmarine(read:wife) to start playing with me as well. I got into the hobby as something fun to do with my friends I will go back to that again.
So my plan, is to get my army list together. See what I have and what I don't need. 7th saw a lot of purchases made as,"I need this for the new meta". I am going to paint the units I intend to use on a regular basis. I am also going to be doing a lot of help with the wife and son's armies to get them up to snuff. Then I am going play a ridiculous a mount against said armies. Not to master my army, but to have some fun with my family.
I intend to return to the thing I really liked doing, the podcasts. I was just getting the hang of it. I am going to get back into a schedule that should allow not only 40k podcasting, but also a personal show I was dreaming up.
Lets see where this goes,
The Emperor protects,
And they shall know no fear